Profesional Services- Tailor

Prices list for Jeans
Potong Jeans- RM 8
Alter Jeans- RM12
Sambung Original- RM15
Sambung Original+Alter+Potong -RM20
Prices list for Pants
Potong Pants -RM 6
Alter Pants - RM10
Rules & Regulation:
✔️Strictly NO exchange/return for the Jeans/ Pants after Alteration.
✔️After Checkout this item. Kindly remark
-What length want to cut and alter in inch or cm
If you wish to alter your purchased jeans with the original jeans hem. Please remark also before checkouts!
✔️This service is only for customer that purchase jeans from BILLY JEANS CONCEPT
Produk/Servis tambahan untuk sambung kaki seluar original ini hanya untuk pelanggan yang membeli jeans dengan BILLY JEANS CONCEPT.
Pengalaman tukang jahit 20 tahun! Tiptop servis!